June 2023 PESO Community Workshop Agenda Plenary Presentations

Background: The June 8 - 9, 2023 Argonne PESO Workshop included the following plenary presentations. Slides are available at the following links

Topic Leads Comments
Plenary Kickoff MikeHeroux (PESO PI) Overall workshop charge
Applications Perspectives Andrew Siegel (ECP Applications DevelopmentDirector) Challenges and opportunities for increased impact of libraries and tools on application success
Industry Perspectives: NVIDIA, Kitware Jeff Larkin (NVIDIA), Berk Geveci(Kitware) Challenges and opportunities for increased impact of libraries and tools in collaboration with industry
Advanced Computing Facilities Perspectives: ALCF, OLCF, NERSC Christopher Knight (ALCF), Balint Joo (OLCF), Richard Gerber (NERSC) Challenges and opportunities for increased impact of libraries and tools in collaboration with computing facilities
Lunchtime Talk Ulrike Yang (ECP xSDK Project PI) How software product communities can enhance the productivity of teams
Hub and Spoke Model, Role of Sustainability Funding, Q&A Mike Heroux(PESO PI)  
Software Foundations ToddGamblin(PESO co-PI) How we can leverage software foundations for DOEsoftwaresustainability
Workforce Development Lois Curfman McInnes (PESO co-PI), Mary Ann Leung (Sustainable Horizons Institute) Challenges and opportunities for broadening participation in the HPC workforce