PESO Project Overview

The PESO project is a community-driven effort to promote the development and use of scientific software as an ecosystem with stakeholders and partners who engage with the US Department of Energy (DOE) in developing and using advanced high-performance computing. The PESO project is a collaboration built on foundations from efforts of the Exascale Computing Project (ECP) and the IDEAS-ECP project.

PESO is a member of the Consortium for the Advancement of Scientific Software (CASS).

Topic Description Resources
Vision The purpose for PESO PESO Vision
Background Brief background on the PESO project PESO Background
Team PESO team Team
Leadership PESO leadership Leadership
Community PESO Community Engagement Community
Participate How to participate in PESO Participate in PESO
Under construction Under construction Under construction
Publications PESO publications Publications
Presentations PESO presentations Presentations
Reports PESO reports Reports
Workshops PESO workshops Workshops
Webinars PESO webinars Webinars
Tutorials PESO tutorials Tutorials
Training PESO training Training